In Memory of Mike Morris

Mike Morris was a Roanoke CPA, triathlete, and passionate animal advocate, whose generosity and warmth were as unforgettable as the Tootsie Pops he always had on hand for everyone he met. His friendly spirit and willingness to lend a hand were hallmarks of his character, and his memory lives on through the many lives he touched.

Several years ago, while we were in the midst of planning the renovation of our old building, Angels of Assisi received a phone call from Mr. Morris. He shared that he had someone interested in donating a family property. This led to a meeting where Mike explained that his clients, brothers Herbert (“Herbie”) and Lewis George, had owned a property on the corner of Franklin and Elm for decades. After both brothers passed away, their niece, Robin Blanton Kohn, wanted to do something special with the land that would honor the legacy of her uncles, especially her beloved Uncle Herbie.  Kohn said, "Uncle Lewis was the spiritual patriarch of the family, and Uncle Herbie was my rock-more of a father to me than an uncle.  Herbie was the most non-judgemental person I have ever known.  He treated everyone with kindness and respect, including the homeless, mentally challenged, and other 'outcasts.'"

Robin fondly recalls her Uncle Herbie as “a man of the people” – someone who treated everyone with kindness and respect, whether they were homeless, mentally challenged, or considered “outcasts” by others. Herbie, who passed away in 2009, was a source of strength and love in Robin’s life. She has said, “Uncle Lewis was the spiritual patriarch of the family, and Uncle Herbie was my rock–more of a father to me than an uncle. He was the most non-judgmental person I have ever known.” Robin always admired Herbie’s unwavering compassion, and she wanted to find a way to carry that compassion forward. She believed the land could serve as a bridge between her love of animals and Herbie’s deep care for people in need.

It was then that Robin reached out to Mike Morris with an idea: she wanted to donate the land to a worthy animal rescue organization. Mike, knowing Robin’s dedication to both animals and her family’s legacy, quickly put together a list of local rescues doing incredible work in Roanoke. Robin, having been involved with animal rescue in Los Angeles since 1983, was no stranger to the need for compassion toward vulnerable animals. Herbie often teased her about her tendency to “save the world” by taking in senior, injured, or stray animals. She would always laugh and remind him that he was doing the same, but with people.

When Robin reviewed the list Mike provided, she was moved by the services Angels of Assisi offered. After a conversation with Lisa O’Neill, Robin knew this was the right place to honor Herbie’s legacy. She felt confident that both Herbie and Lewis would be proud to see their land used to help both animals and the people who loved them.

As Mike continued to work through the donation details with us, we were in awe of the incredible generosity unfolding before us. We were still processing the news when he asked, “What do you plan to do with this amazing property?” When we responded that we weren’t sure yet, he simply suggested, “Why don’t you build a new facility?” And from there, the dream of a new home for Angels of Assisi began to take shape.

We are endlessly grateful to Robin and Gary Kohn for their unwavering commitment to Herbie and Lewis’s legacy. We also owe a deep debt of gratitude to Mike Morris, whose insight and encouragement made this dream possible. In memory of Mike, we will continue to honor his legacy of generosity, kindness, and compassion in all the work we do for the animals and people in our community.