Lost Pets
Lost and found animals are sheltered at your local municipal agency (pound). The local municipal agency for the Roanoke and Botetourt areas is the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (RCACP) located at 1510 Baldwin Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24012. The center primarily handles stray animals picked up by municipal Animal Control Officers, but also accepts strays that are found, and animals owned, by citizens.
Pet owners are encouraged to check their local municipal agency frequently when looking for their lost pet in addition to posting a lost pet listing in your local Lost and Found Pet/Animal groups on Facebook.
If Your Animal is Not at RCACP
Please fill out RCACP’s lost pet report (PDF) and they will hold that report for 30 days.
Members of the public that find a stray animal may hold the animal for the required stray hold period; however, they must report the animal as found. We try to match up the lost reports with any animals that come into the shelter and also those found animal reports from the public.
Local Animal Control
In addition to looking at RCACP, please contact the appropriate locality below to alert the Animal Control Officers.
City of Roanoke Phone: 540-853-2411
County of Botetourt Phone: 540 - 473-8631
County of Roanoke Phone: 540-562-3265
Town of Vinton Phone: 540-983-0617
Petco Love Lost
Petco Love Lost is there to help if the unthinkable ever happens and your pet gets lost. Petco Love Lost is a platform that uses facial recognition technology to search their database and help find your pet if they were ever to get lost. 1 in 3 pets goes missing in their lifetime, but one click can bring them home. Join Petco Love Lost. It’s free, fast, and effective. Register for free here.
Learn more about Animal Control Lost Pet FAQs here.
What to Do if You Find a Stray Animal
Angels of Assisi does not accept stray animals from the public. Guardians who have lost their pets need a central location to find them, and that is the local municipal agency (pound). Under state law, stray animals must be held for a mandatory stray period in order to provide guardians adequate time to locate their lost pets. Angels of Assisi must fully utilize all available shelter space to save as many lives as possible. This is best achieved by allowing animal control agencies to perform the function of impounding stray pets as is required of them by law. If you have found a stray pet, please contact the animal control for your locality.